Life Force Arts Center

Ezine, Email Marketing, Marketing Strategy

Life Force Arts Center: Transcendent Journeys ezineLFAC spent their first eight months of existence in a gradual process of defining themselves, their audience, and their mission. After the success of their First Annual Chicago Festival of Spiritual Art in May 2009, they determined that they'd discovered an identity which worked really well, and it was time to create a more focused marketing strategy. Their ezine, Transcendent Journeys, was a cornerstone of this plan, which allowed them to build relationships with their audience, and to develop a sense of participation and community. Email marketing also allowed them to integrate other marketing channels into a cohesive overall strategy, from their website and blog, to emailed press releases and event announcements, to social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. The ezine was exceptionally successful, with click rates nearly double the industry average. View the ezine archive.